The difference is that recognition involves a cue, while recall does not. One way to make it easier to remember the items on your list is to break it down into smaller groups of related items. Free recall is a basic paradigm of experimental psychology. Along with encoding and storage, it is one of the three core processes of memory. Participants are given pairs, usually of words, A1-B1, A2-B2...An-Bn (n is the number of pairs in a list) to study. To find the reverse association, multiply this by the transpose of M.See alsoEdit ... CallUrl('psychology>wikia>comcacomcomwikipedia>orgsimplypsychology>orghtml',1), of information, cognitive skills, and strategies acquired by the application of fluid intelligence to various fields, it is said to increase with age cue-dependent forgetting - the inability to remember learned information due to retrieval failure because cues present during learning are not present during ~TildeLink() ... CallUrl('people>whitman>edu<~blagovphtml',1), "The current took me, and with the big waves, pretty soon I was a half mile from the entrance to the bay," he ~TildeLink()s. "I got scared, because all there was were large, rough, black lava rocks on the shore. CallUrl('www>personalevolutionllc>comcompsyarticles>comhtm',0), Ability to retain information which has been presented orally; may be short term memory, such as ~TildeLink()ing information presented several seconds before; long term memory, such as ~TildeLink()ing information presented more than a minute before; or sequential memory, ... CallUrl('www>learninginsights>co>uk